Educational Offerings

Interested in one-on-one support to accelerate your sustainability efforts or to provide green educational programming to youth or adults?

Contact Green Camps to schedule a free 15 minute consultation call. A Green Camps staff member will discuss your goals and outcomes to determine how our services can best support your efforts.

Following the call, we will put together a proposal with an overview of your customized program and the intended outcomes.

Green Camps Members receive 10% off consulting services.

Inspiring Green Behavior Change Through The Camp Experience


Green Team Building Programs

A successful “Green Team” is one that functions as a cohesive group. By leveraging traditional team building activities we improve the ability of participants to think critically about social and environmental issues. As a result, participants can translate the lessons learned and apply them to address real world issues.

Sustainability Training and Workshops

Staff engagement is often a challenge for organizations when it comes to being green. We’ll work with you to plan and implement the right program for your team. Popular topics include encouraging pro-environmental behavior change, weaving sustainability into the everyday experience, and managing facilities the green way.

Youth Engagement

From fun activities to engaging workshops, educational entertainment is core to the sustainability movement. We deliver fun programming for youth and adults and can help you implement a variety of sustainable living initiatives on your site.


Sustainability offers a great lens for how we can live healthier and happier lives. The stories learned through the work of Green Camps will help inspire your staff and campers to take action in practical and long-lasting ways.


Every organization is different, so we work with you to identify sustainability opportunities and integrate sustainable living and environmental stewardship into your organization’s experience. Depending on your needs, you’ll receive recommendations for facility improvements, employee engagement, and client programming/education.

Experts in Camp Sustainability

Danny brings more than 20 years of experience in the camp industry as a camp director, educator, consultant and founder of Green Camps, a non-profit providing sustainability solutions to camps.

Youth camps offer a unique vessel for modeling sustainability both in the people impacted by the experience and the spaces where they operate. This creates a great opportunity to inform youth and adult learners how their everyday decisions impact the triple bottom line, People, Planet and Profit.

Danny has visited hundreds of camps, universities and other youth serving organizations to better understand how to implement green behavior changing solutions that save money, build stronger teams and protect our planet.

Contact Green Camps to learn more about our offerings