Activity Center

Activities to teach the skills and knowledge to model Green Behavior Change.

These activities work best on the computer.

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Developing sustainability policies will help set expectations for the role campers and staff can play in supporting a culture of sustainability at your camp.

This activity will help you consider areas that you might want to include in your policy.  Do this with your Green Team so that everyone can contribute to ensure that the policy you create will have buy-in

This game challenges you to think about how much water it takes to make things like food, cars, and clothes.  Move the item to match how many gallons of water you think it takes to get that item to you, the consumer.

Debrief Questions:

  1. What are some lessons you can learn from this activity?
  2. Calculate how many gallons of water you use in the shower with this equation
    • Flowrate (Gallons/Minute) x Shower Time (Minutes) = Total Water Use
  3. How can you encourage others to reduce water use?

There are 5 main categories of waste:  Solid, Liquid, Recyclable, Organic, and Hazardous.

“When you Throw Something Away, Where is Away?”

Knowing what kind of “waste” goes where can help you understand what “away” means.

Debrief Questions:

  1. When you throw something away, where is away?
  2. What kind of items are or are not accepted for recycling in your community?

Many cleaners are based on chemicals that are harmful to consume—both for humans and other animals and plants in the environment. While it is important to make sure we keep the environments we live and work it clean, there are some alternatives to toxic cleaning products.

Learn more about green products and learn a few recipes that you can make at home!

When you think of pollinators you probably think about honeybees. Honeybees are on the decline due to industrial agriculture, parasites/pathogens and climate change. The loss of biodiversity, destruction of habitat and lack of forage due to monocultures and bee-killing pesticides are particular threats for honeybees and wild pollinators.

This activity will teach you how to make seed bombs which is one method for creating pollinator friendly plants for pollinators to forage.

Learn how to fold an Origami Pot!

During this activity, you will also learn information about soil, seeds, and planting.

You’ll also be tested on the information shared so make sure you pay attention.